A8 香蕉奶冰 Banana Smoothie
A9 藍莓奶冰 Blueberry Smoothie
A10 西瓜奶冰 Waterlemon Smoothie
A11 木瓜奶冰 Papaya Smoothie
A12 菠蘿奶冰 Pineapple Smoothie
A13 蜜瓜奶冰 Honeydew Smoothie
A14 芒果奶冰 Mango Smoothie
A15 奇異果奶冰 Kiwi Smoothie
A16 士多啤梨奶冰 Strawberry Smoothie
冷熱飲品 Specialty Cold Beverages
A17 港式冰鎮奶茶 HK Style Special Iced Milk Tea $4.50
A18 港式奶茶 HK Style Iced Milk Tea $3.99
A19 港式鴛鴦 HK Style Iced Coffee & Tea $3.99
A20 港式紅豆冰 HK Style Red Bean Ice $3.99
A21 檸檬蜜糖 Iced Honey w. Lemon $3.50
A22 檸檬茶 Lemon Iced Tea $3.00
A23 檸檬可樂 Coke w. Lemon $3.00
A24 泰式奶茶 Iced Thai Tea $3.99
A25 咖啡 Iced Coffee $3.00
A26 好立克 Horlick $3.50
A27 阿華田 Ovaltine $3.50
奶冰 Smoothies $5.50
with Pearl $6.50
A1 珍珠奶茶 Milk Tea with Pearl Tapioca
A2 珍珠咖啡 Coffee with Pearl Tapioca
A3 珍珠駌鴦 Coffee & Tea with Pearl Tapioca
A4 珍珠綠茶 Green Tea with Pearl Tapioca
A5 珍珠香芋 Taro with Pearl Tapioca
A6 珍珠椰子 Coconut with Pearl Tapioca
A7 珍珠紅豆 Red Bean with Pearl Tapioca
熱飲品 Hot Drinks
A28 咖啡 Coffee $2.00
A29 港式奶茶 HK Style Milk Tea $3.50
A30 港式鴛鴦 HK Style Coffee & Tea $3.50
A31 檸檬蜜糖 Honey w. Lemon $3.00
A32 檸檬茶 Lemon Tea $3.00
A33 好立克 Horlick $3.00
A34 阿華田 Ovaltine $3.00
A35 紅棗蜜糖茶 Honey Jujube Tea $3.00
A36 紅糖薑母茶 Ginger Tea $3.00
Soda $2.50
A27a 各式汽水 Coke / Diet Coke / Sprite / Orange Fanta / Iced Tea / Lemonade
Hong Kong Bakery & Bistro | 8 Wolf Road | Albany, New York 12205 www.hkbakerybistro.us
*Prices subject to change
珍珠 Pearl Tapioca $4.99